AUXETICAuxetic constructions show a unique deformation compared to non-Auxetic constructions. Due to their internal properties, Auxetic constructions widen when a “pull” force is applied and contract when squeezed. The bigger the applied force, the bigger the Auxetic reaction.

POWER GROMMETSThe enlarged power grommets maximize string movement for increased power.

SPEED PATTERNA special speed string pattern provides with the perfect mix of power under control.

DIRECTIONAL DRILLINGDirectional drilling combine increased power and sweetspot, delivering a plush impact feel.

GRAPHENE INSIDEStrategically positioned in most of our racquets, Graphene strengthens the frame, provides greater stability and optimises energy transfer from racquet to ball. When you buy your next racquet, be sure it has GRAPHENE INSIDE.

SPEED BEAMThe aerodynamic cross-section of the Speed beam maximizes swingspeed and power.